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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My holiday

It has been long since i've last blogged

I've been to JB and Batam over the past few days and although the trip was a short one it still brought me tons of good memories. not to mention fun and laughter.
my aunt had made a new boyfriend recently so she and her bf brought me and my bro and grandpaps around Batam island for good food and shopping. i know i did mention that i went Batam alone but why is my bro with me? i'll explain in a while.

Anyway i've been to JB on Sunday night and it was an impromptu decision that i'll be going to Batam on Tuesday to find my aunt and grandpap there. it was for a family issue so yeah i shall not elaborate but i get to have fun meanwhile lol

So during my JB trip (it was a short one) i bought like a truck load of bags and school related stuffs like stationery and all. tbh i've bought 2 backpacks which could be used for school but idk if i should use it for school cause it's really nice and i can't bear to use it especially to contain heavy lecture notes zzz
both i bought was tribal prints but one is the furry kind :p

But i've had a very filling lunch at a curry fish head shop:

It's really nice so you guys can go and try it some day if you do go past it!!!!! It's not really spicy (i'm a chilli-eater) for me tho

I went to shop for shoes too. and christmas clothings but i was hoping that there were more skater skirts avail :( i lack of dress/skirts sigh

Okay then at night i traveled back to sg cause i have to bring some stuffs to Batam which i didn't bring to M'sia. it was the first time i took the bus to Singapore without a car lol i didn't know there was a bus service to JB from Singapore to and fro

Early in ze morning like 5am i was awake and ready to head to Batam in the first ferry whoots
but then my bro had to cockblock and came in with me by the second ferry after me z i thought i could enjoy the adventure of exploring the ferry alone on my own. my mum can't stop worrying about me being alone there so she made my bro come with me lol

But i still had fun la!

Before taking the ferry at Habourfront: i took the 10am ferry.

Sitting in the ferry: i sat at the place where it's open aired so that i can enjoy the morning breeze it's fucking shiok and the wind was so strong that i couldn't open my eyes properly!!!!!!!

 I reached Batam at slightly before 11. It was pouring suddenly and the sounds of thunder really wasn't soft at all. as compared to the ones in SG, the thunder there came with a fucking loud clap RIGHT AFTER THE LIGHTNING. not even a split second of difference where the light came and you could get ready your hands to your ears. no
i got shocked by the thunder sounds quite a few times that i thought my ears are going to burst and nerves are breaking

Had wonton mee nearby while waiting for my bro - he reached around 30 mins after me lol
then we headed to my grandma's new place lol it sucks fucking seriously z
i miss my old place the new place doesn't have my smell anymore :(

Went to the famous temple to pray :

With my aunt: by the way she's just 4 years older than me. same age as minho oppa and only 10 days younger than my oppa <3

 Meh i'm forever wearing the same clothes stfu lol


We dashed across the road just to stand in the middle of it
don't think that there are no vehicles at all there are a lot it's just so happening that there isn't any while we took the photos lol

 Fav drink: tehbotol hahaha

For dinner we went to some seafood place which was built above the ocean. the scenery was.......... idk what else to say but there's fucking a lot of sand flies and all sorts of insect you name it they are there for you zz it's so irritating.

Our messy dinner table

A lot of people thought that i could understand malay while i was shopping but i really could understand just that i couldn't speak. i mean i could understand simple phrases la. too cheem / speak too fast i will catch no balls haha
but i really CAN'T understand teochew
mum says maybe i'm too used to hokkien. lol the people there should learn english i have serious language barriers there. especially after they know i'm from Singapore they obviously raised their priced higher as if i couldn't understand the amount they first stated to me when i asked for the price zz

AND GOOD NEWS: I BOUGHT 2 STUDDED FLATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i regretted not buying my flatforms
fuck sia the 2 studded flats cost me SGD$50 zz when i could get my rubi one at $19.95 but it's fucking out of stock
seriously fml la

Shall upload my loots some other time i need to dig for more photos

Thanks for reading!