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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Monday, November 21, 2011

Prom preparation

I know this is coming late because i was busy a few days ago, and prolly the next few days so yeah all the posts would be lengthy so if you're not interested i suggest you leave right now :D

So we went over to julie's house @ Mountbatten for prom prep because :

  1. her house is big - enough to hold 1000 people
  2. she has got a big mirror + a bathroom in her room so it's much more convenient
  3. i can make a mess out of her house because it's not my house. jk
So Hajera, Yiling and myself went there at as early as 1:30pm while the rest joined in at around 4pm so that we could leave together by cab.

So we all started to set our hair first cause it's like the easiest to settle. So yeah we went to straighten it and colour it with colored spray. so we had a purple spray.

I braided the side of my hair cause that's like one of the only style i could do with my short hair. and i basically screwed my fringe cause i have no idea what to do with it other than sweeping everything to the side. my style is just "comfortable" because i think there's no need for me to make such an extravagant style which i have to take care of every second of my prom, looking into the mirror making sure my hair is not screwed. so i have to make my hair as comfortable and make it less troublesome for me to handle so that i look as good at any point of my prom. easy, simple and sweet is perfect.

We painted our nails with shatter nail polish. and apparently yiling screwed hers and there she's emo-ing in a corner ^
Meh my fingers are short and fat. tbh i hate my skin for being so sensitive. look at the redness after spraying the hair spray! ugh and my skin peeled. seriously my state is just pathetic.


Look at their cui fringe. i have absolutely no comments about it. hahahahaha

Didn't manage to get a group photo with rochelle and afiqah cause they came too late and i was the last to get myself prepared. and the cab came in way too fast and everything was still in a big mess. lol i'm sorry to julie's sister cause it's her room as well. hahaha i'm going to collect my stuffs this coming friday so yeah.

I drank a can of coke at julie's house which i think it was expired and i will tell you in a while why i thought so.  i almost lost my life cause of that bloody coke. hahaha.

and i just realize that julie and her mom communicate through phone calls. one on the second floor the other on the first floor. they were lazy to come out or down so they rang each other. so cute right! i think i should try this at my home one day. lol