My photo
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Monday, November 28, 2011



We are strong mighty Vikings, we are strong mighty Vikings
Strong mighty Vikings, we are strong mighty Vikings!

Day 1

Awkward moments with my sub tribe 6. wait. before i move on to my members of sub tribe, i was actually appointed to sub tribe 5, which apparently are all girls group. obviously me and Hajera wasn't really happy about the random arrangement so we decided to swap with 2 other girls, who were in sub tribe 6 and wanna be with their friends. cool shit. and there, i've got to meet with my all-Malay group sub tribe 6!!!!! AWESOME.
If we didn't swap our group, i guess i wouldn't have so much fun cause obviously the girls would hang out with their own clique right? :D

At first, everything was awkward. we do not know how to break the ice with each other, all the way till lunch time when we had our lunch, and the photographer friend, Isa, came to break the ice!!!!

Met this group of friends and we thickskinned-ly followed them where ever they go. They are really a group of cool friends! They are mad over k-pop, they know english songs as well, so IN, and everything.

Day 1 was awkward yet fun with those new friends. really.
Not forgetting the catchy cheers! Vikings weas the biggest group we had to split ourselves when we move to our stations to view the different schools in Ngee Ann Poly.
We went to FMS, healthcare and social sciences/earlchildhood schools i guess. i can't really remember.

Day 2

Me and hajera were super early that day. no one actually bothered to catch the first bus! wtf!?! they all were waiting for their friends. lol.
2 new friends joined in! Aiman and Hafiz. Aiman was the most craziest dude ever.
He's mad over k-pop as well. He never fails the relieve the tense in awkward situations and has the most funniest facial expression ever. haha can't imagine camp without him! We had ayam pengyet (idk how to spell) for lunch. it was awesome. we went to BA, biomedical science and engineering schools. :D we even learn how to deliever a baby and how to operate an operation! cool stuffs.

Our awesome lunch!

Just fucking agree that the guy in brown is hot. just nod your head. :D
so much in this photo. ><

Another day of awesomeness. Day 3 was a BLAAAAAAAAST!

Day 3

Ooh sst ah ley ah, ah ley ah chikka booma.

Awesome sub tribe leader, Joyce!!!!

Udi's "girlfriend". :D


Awesome leaders!!

My dance partner!! too bad it's a little dark. but he's so tall that when i'm going to hi-10 with him i had to jump.

Oh did i mention that we played floorball? I played for my team and we won!!!!! whoots. thanks girls. :D
And our sub tribe combined with sub tribe 10 so it's a little too big.

Awesome sub tribe leader Hazim!!!


My fav pix. that's all.

I didn't reget going to RED Camp. the 3 days are AWESOME. will never made so many friends nor will i get to be exposed to poly life. seriously. hot guys come to Ngee Ann poly okie!!!!!!!