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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, February 4, 2012


WHILE WAITING FOR MY DAMN DRAMA TO LOAD.......... I shall blog! 8-)

MEET MY AWESOME OG CETUS 4!!!!!!!! (pssst the man in white squatting is my part-time OG tutor *idk what else to call him* and he's only 19 fml am i too old now)

Yep made quite a lot of friends during orientation and the funny thing is i made more friends outside my OG lol fml. BUT MY OG IS STILL QUITE BONDED OK ALTHOUGH CANNOT BE COMPARED TO OTHER OG BUT STILL. aiya in short i'm just jealous of Orion 2 cause they all got chocolates from their OGLs :-(

And my buddies from C4 is Yuki (although the name sounds very jap but NO she's super chinese) and Jocelyn!!! I don't know i could click so well with someone so different from me. i mean we are of different bg/schools/personality/preference etc. hahahaha. i love making new friends.

The girls!

Aiya i want to do something for the OGLs but i don't know what to do. shall crack my brain tomorrow then. maybe the friendship band i made for julie which i spent 7 days 7 night and 7 hours each day. just saying.

Yuki is such a photo bomber. -.-

Ripped those pix from fb and i can't wait to meet my CG!!!!!!!! So excited to make new friends again from my class and CCA. i might choose vball cause i feel like it. ODAC is too over rated -.- k that's all~~~

Oh ya i think i might be snipping my hair tomorrow. or maybe soon. idk when BUT I CONFIRM WILL GO AND CUT IT. aiyo my grammar so cui nowadays....