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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I have to bitch about the matter

I don't care apparently it's 11:48pm right now and i have the confidence i would type finish this whole chunk before 12mn cause i'm so bloody mad right now. i mean my anger have subside but you know the rage i had was like in fury *inserts many angry face*

Okay so this woman (whom i assume is a Singaporean base on her language she use) came to reserve her undies and a few other stuffs with me and i helped her to place it in a basket (MANY WERE MY WITNESSES OKAY) and i clearly asked her to put her name + contact number and place it IN the basket. AND AGAIN THERE WERE MANY WITNESSES. and i told her there might be a chance which her items MAY BE CLEARED if she were to come back tonight cause the place was in a huge mess.


OKAY. she couldn't find it, nvm. i told her if she mind waiting for me while i ask another aunty if the aunty saw her things at the counter, she don't believe me and she FOLLOWED me all around -__- then she SCOLDED me for being such a careless fuck and it's so "ridiculous to have my items gone missing when my name is clearly stated there". guess what she said next. SHE FUCKING SAID "I NEED TO REPORT THIS TO YOUR MANAGEMENT. HOW DID YOU GUYS DO THINGS? I HAVE TO REPORT YOU GUYS FOR STEALING"

EH HELLO. have you paid for your undies? no right. i have the patience to even help you find all over the place to find out where exactly are your stuffs and you accuse people for stealing? got cctv hor don't believe then just check la? rather than scolding me or the poor aunty for "STEALING" might as well use the time to find back your items? and i am RESPONSIBLE FOR CASHIERING. i don't remember my job scope includes "LOOKING AFTER YOUR UNDIES". so. since i've already told you it's your own risk for leaving your things here you shouldn't be so unreasonable to bitch me about the matter. be more civilised can? even a 5 year old kid can tell me it's okay when i dropped his toy while packing. grow some beans in your head.