
- “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Carbonated apple juice and raw oyster
So have you guys drank the BOTTLED as in those GLASS BOTTLE apple carbonated drink like the above ^? well, i had............................ just this afternoon. mom said that she saw it in the market, in a Chinese herbal shop and guess what? it's only 90 cents per bottle. fucking 90 cents. even the canned one may sell up to $1.20 in coffee shops. and the taste of the drink is as nice! worth it! and it's a new experience for me cause i never get to see glass bottled beverages other than in Indonesia.
And, to make you drool more..........................
The raw oyster i ate this afternoon and if you are following me on twitter you would know that i felt kind of disgusted by the... 腥... erm how do i explain this in English.... erm. just the fishy stench thingy. hahahaha. and mom said it's due to the freshness of the oyster...
And the oyster is sponsored by my uncle!!!!!!! thanks 叔叔!
Mom adding lemon and chilli sauce (?! i don't even know why chilli is necessary but it still taste nice though). oh. just ignore my messy sink. hahaha too much plates to be washed.... until now.
The unopened oyster. and our house don't have a proper tool to prick this open so mom actually broke 2 spoons. fhl. hahahahahaha. tomorrow is new year already i'm sooooo excited hahahahaha bye!!!! will be back with more photos :D