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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Long text post

No pictures for today cause i can't be bothered. actually.... we took none.

Anyway, spent my whole afternoon, meaninglessly at Rebecca's house with Denise and Dayna. hahahaha. ate cup noodles + chips + a little of aunt's soup. oh and i totally forgot about the peanuts.

Watched Hello, Stranger. and played daidi. can't believe i NEVER once won............ okay can. but at least, i learnt something new. not new actually. i knew that it's a game which you have to get rid of the cards. but i never knew the exact rules till today hahahahaha i just suck at gambling.

Actually the initial plan was to play basketball, but the weather isn't helping and the gates to the court were locked. so gg. had to go back home. played one round of daidi to see who win and then make decision on what movie we should watch. but end up Dayna won so we watched comedy, aka Hello, Stranger. if only we could watch horror movie instead.........

End up Rebecca got so emo......... and i'm scared of that side of her actually. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA next time i should self-invite to her house more often. k byeeee tomorrow meeting the girls for bugis trip! i promise with more photos :>